Passage series

Passage, 2004-2011

A significant line, that is, one that really has a rhythmic emotional intensity, does not vibrate laterally but back, in a third dimension. – Paul Strand

I began the Passage series in 2004, with the intention of extending the White Compositions of 1985-1987 that had been cut short at eight images to work on Whiteness. The initial photographs possessed a greater sense of depth than the earlier work; either the entire image or forms within it pulled the eye back in space, a feeling I tried to sustain throughout the body of work. I saw these images as existing at a much bigger scale than the gelatin silver 11” x 14” White Compositions, so I printed them as large inkjet pigment prints. This edition contains two re-printed images from the White Compositions that fit well with this series and may have been harbingers of it.

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