A Portfolio of 20 signed prints. Edition of 125. The portfolio was directed by Alex Traube, and produced by Andrew Smith and Paige Pinnell. Includes introductory texts by Beaumont Newhall and Henry Man Barendse. Published by Center of the Eye Photography Collaborative, 1976.
Included are the photographers: Thomas F. Barrow; Van Deren Coke; Helen Doroshow; Betty Hahn; Cheri Hiser; Alan Hoffman; Ernie Knee; Rolf Koppel; Arther Lazar; Wayne R. Lazorik; Michael McLoughlin; Beaumont Newhall; Anne Noggle; Paige Pinnell; Meridel Rubenstein; Erik Renner; Joan Sawyer; Alex Traube; Karen Truax; Alisa Wells-Witteman.
Obscura Gallery
225 Delgado St.
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Member of the Association of International Photography Art Dealers