Jewelry and objects
Showing 17–32 of 72 results
ANGIE BROCKEY. Haven’s Sprout 2, 2021
ANGIE BROCKEY. Bird and Fish, 2015
ANGIE BROCKEY. Bouquet, 2018
ANGIE BROCKEY. Paper Boat on the Sea, 2014
ANGIE BROCKEY. Nautilus, 2014
ANGIE BROCKEY. Cutting In Antique Bottle
ANGIE BROCKEY. Girls with Light, 2016
ANGIE BROCKEY. Seahorse, 2016
ANGIE BROCKEY. Valley of the Shadow, 2021, SOLD
ANGIE BROCKEY. Keyhole Light, 2016, SOLD
ANGIE BROCKEY. Northern Lights, 2021, SOLD
ANGIE BROCKEY. Ship On The Sea, 2019, SOLD
ANGIE BROCKEY. Feather, 2021, SOLD
ANGIE BROCKEY. Shedding, 2018 (SOLD)
ANGIE BROCKEY. Valley of the Shadow, 2021, SOLD