Showing 1–16 of 49 results
LA HUFFMAN. Saddling the Wild Horse, Ekatema, MT, 1894
LA HUFFMAN. Bow Gun Boys at Dinner, 1905
LA HUFFMAN. Cheyenne Indian Police, 1905
LA HUFFMAN. Holding a Herd, 1905
LA HUFFMAN. A Hot noon beside the roundup camp, 1910
LA HUFFMAN. Sheep on the Benches of the Yellowstone, 1905
LA HUFFMAN. American Horse Beside his Tepee, 1905
LA HUFFMAN. A Cheyenne Boy of 8, 1905
LA HUFFMAN. Young Brave, c.1889
LA HUFFMAN. After the Buffalo Chase.
LA HUFFMAN. The Custer Battlefield, 1897
LA HUFFMAN. The Custer Battlefield, 1897
LA HUFFMAN. The roundup breaking camp, c.1905
LA HUFFMAN. Our camp, Big Horn Canyon, Montana, 1879
LA HUFFMAN. Throwing Rangers to the Roundup, c.1907
LA HUFFMAN. Hot Sheep, Powder River, c. mid-1880’s